Digital management

Managing the internet presence of any organization is a critical part of the modern marketing strategy. A comprehensive approach is essential to ensure that the company’s message is conveyed appropriately through various platforms. The web domain manager handles several key areas of responsibility, and deep thought must be given to each of these areas.

Some of the main areas of responsibility of the web manager include defining the company’s main goals, increasing sales through online activities, establishing the company’s name as a leader in its field, increasing the number of website visitors and improving their operations, and ensuring serious success through original platform and software applications.

By focusing on these areas, the web domain manager can help increase the company’s online presence, strengthen the relationship with clients or customers and finally promote operational growth. Therefore, it is important to pay careful attention in choosing an experienced and experienced professional to manage your company’s online presence.

Promotion through sponsored ads on Google

  • Research words suitable for the company’s activities
  • Building a campaign for each designated audience using sub-campaigns as a separation between the target audiences
  • Directing the surfer to dedicated landing pages
  • Adjusting budget for each of the campaigns and maximizing cost per click
  • Monitoring the budget and changes accordingly on the fly
  • Follow up on the results
  • Tracking the source of the surfers’ traffic

Management and operation of the site

  • Website operation and interface management in full
  • Construction of information pages and photo galleries
  • Content uploading and maintenance
  • Bug control and support for surfers and company employees
  • Analysis of website surfer data, production of traffic reports and improvement according to needs
  • Connection to all tools for website management and optimization, including Google Analytics and Webmasters Tools
  • Management of web projects related to the site

Organic promotion of the site in the Google search engine

  • Initial planning of the website in full compliance with the organic promotion rules
  • Building the content on the site while fully considering the Google search engine
  • Initial planning of the website in full compliance with the organic promotion rules
  • Word research, choosing keywords suitable for the company’s activities
  • Optimization and writing of off-site content
  • Referral of links to the company website from external websites
  • Production of reports and full control

Setting up and managing a Twitter account

  • Establishing a business page in the spirit of the site and the company
  • Adapting the design to the site
  • Updating and operating the content, including updating tweets to friends

Setting up and managing a linkedin account

  • Establishing a business page in the spirit of the site and the company
  • Adapting the design to the site
  • Updating and operating the content, including updating members

Setting up and managing a business Facebook account

  • Establishing a business page in the spirit of the site and the company
  • Adapting the design to the site
  • Advertising budget management
  • Updating and operating the content, including updating posts for members
  • Establishing a dedicated marketing program for Facebook (likes campaign)
  • Building pages and galleries