Summary of the terms of use

This summary of the terms of use of the Coca Interactive (AR) website is intended for your convenience only. It is not a substitute for reviewing the full terms of use, which are presented immediately after this summary –


Welcome to the homepage of Coca Interactive (hereafter: ” the site ” and ” the organization ” respectively). The organization is a licensed dealer whose number is 022517791 and whose address is 15 Raines St., Herzliya. The site operates at the web address and at any additional address at the discretion of the organization.

The use of the website, including the contents included in it and the services it offers, indicates your agreement to these terms as well as to additional terms appearing on the website, including the privacy policy as well as additional instructions and rules that may be presented to you during the use of the website (together: “the binding documentsIn addition, the mandatory documents will also apply to your activity and participation in any of the online communities, professional forums, and mailing and distribution lists of the organization (hereinafter: “the online communities“), with the obligatory changes as the case may be.

You are requested to read the binding documents carefully, as they define your rights and obligations in relation to the use of the website and participation in any of the online communities. Your attention that the binding documents may change from time to time and that you have the obligation to keep up to date with them. If you do not agree to the terms of the binding documents, you are asked to refrain from using the website.

The mandatory documents apply to the use of the website using any computer or other communication device (such as smart phones, smart watches, tablet computers of various kinds, etc.). Also, they apply to the use of the website either through the Internet or through any network or other means of communication. The binding documents are worded in the masculine gender for reasons of convenience only, and they refer equally, of course, to all genders.

In the binding documents, the meaning of the term “content” or “contents” is any textual, visual, audio content, or any combination thereof (such as audio-visual videos) or part of them, as well as their design, processing, editing and through their presentation.

About the organization and the site

The site provides various information, contents and services concerning the union and its areas of activity intended for the general public as a whole as well as for interested parties in various fields, among others, you can find on the site information about the organization, its officials and its organizational structure; position papers of the organization in various areas of interest; events held by the organization and future events (including the possibility of registering for such events); Details about the organization’s ventures for the general public; training sets in various fields; various online communities; Forms to contact the organization and more.

The Saw Association has the sole discretion to decide which contents will be displayed on the website and in the online communities, the length of time they will be displayed, what their location and design will be, and any other matter related to them. The organization may present on the website additional content originating from various social networks and online services, such as the pages operated by the organization on the Facebook social network website. Your attention that the use of such social networks, or any other online service, is done at your own risk and is inherently subject to the legal documents (such as the terms of use and the privacy policy) that regulate the activity of these services (which are not on behalf of the organization and under its control).

The organization’s online communities may also be conducted through the website or other online means of communication, such as email distribution lists, discussions on social networks such as WhatsApp, Facebook, etc., and on other online platforms at the discretion of the organization, which are often operated by third parties. The use of the services of any such third party as part of your activity in the online communities is also done at your sole responsibility and is subject to the legal documents (such as the terms of use and the privacy policy) that regulate the activity of these third party services (which are not on behalf of and under the control of the organization).

The site includes information and content in various fields, including professional, legal fields or those involving one or another expertise. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the contents on the website are intended to provide general information and guidance only. The use of the website and the content published on it is not a substitute for consultation, advice, professional/legal opinion or consultation with an expert in the relevant field, if required. In any case of doubt regarding the need for a professional opinion or guidance, you must contact the relevant professional authorities.

The use of the site

You may use the website, its contents and the services operating on it, in accordance with the rules detailed below. These rules will also apply to your activity in the organization’s online communities. You may not use the website, its contents and services in any other way, unless you have received the organization’s express consent to this, in advance, in writing and subject to the terms of that consent (to the extent that it is given) –

The organization will not bear any responsibility for any damage caused as a result of any link to content originating from the site and any presentation or publication of content in any other way. You bear the full and exclusive responsibility for any link, display or publication of the contents, made by you and undertake to indemnify the organization for any damage caused as a result.


The use of the website does not involve registration. However, various areas and sections of the website, such as registration for membership in the union, registration for various events held by the organization, registration for the organization’s mailing lists and online communities, contacting the organization through online contact forms found on the website and more – may involve registration and providing personal and identifying information, such as Full name, address, phone, active email address, organizational affiliation and other details as needed and the circumstances of the matter.

It is possible that during the delivery of the aforementioned details you will be required to actively and explicitly confirm your agreement to the terms of the binding documents or part of them. You will be able to complete the registration in each of these cases after providing the details requested during it and after receiving your consent to the binding documents, or which of them. Registration for the online communities may be subject to the prior approval of the participants and certain threshold conditions, depending on the topic of the online community, its nature, and the identity and nature of its participants, all at the sole discretion of the organization.

If you are asked to provide the aforementioned details in order to use any of the site’s services, you must provide only correct, accurate and complete details. Incorrect details may prevent you from using the full features of the site, thwart your participation in the desired online activity or community and, if necessary, thwart contact with you.

The information you provide during registration, as well as additional details about your use of the website and online communities, will be kept by the organization. You are not required by law to provide the information, but without providing it you will not be able to complete the registration. The organization will not use your information except in accordance with the site’s privacy policy, which is an integral part of these terms of use.

The use of different parts of the site may involve entering a username and password (as chosen by you during registration or as provided to you by the organization’s representatives), which will identify you each time you enter the relevant section or the online community. The organization may determine, from time to time, additional or other identification methods. Keep the username and password confidential to prevent misuse. Be sure to change your password as often as possible and in any case no less than once every six months.

The use of the sections of the website that require registration and your approval of the required documents, including your participation in the online communities, indicates your explicit consent to receive advertising from the organization and/or anyone on its behalf, as defined in section 30a of the Communications Law (Bezek and Broadcasting), 1982 (known as the “Law the spam”). The advertisement will be sent to you using the details you provided to the union during registration. At any time, you may withdraw your consent and notify the union of your refusal to receive advertising material, in general or of a particular type, by sending a refusal notice. The way to send the refusal notice will be detailed in the advertisement that will be sent to you by the organization and/or someone on its behalf.

The organization may not allow you to use the sections of the site that require registration, or stop your participation in any of the online communities, at its absolute discretion. Without detracting from the above, the organization may block your access to the aforementioned sections, or cancel your registration to them, in any of the following cases –

Terms of purchase on the website

Product delivery policy

The site will offer a variety of products for sale, including websites, branding and promotion.
The prices on the website include VAT, unless specifically stated otherwise.
Upon completion of a purchase on the site, the charge is immediate, a receipt tax invoice and a registration confirmation email will be sent
After the payment, automatically from the payment system and the coca interactive website.
The receipt of the products will be carried out in accordance with the conditions appearing on the sales page of the purchased product.
In case the user did not receive a link to view, a file to download, a username and password or any product
other digital that resulted from a computer failure or if the user provided incorrect data, please contact the website
at the email address

Cancelling a transaction

Canceling the purchase of a website will be done through an e-mail message to the address, in a message that will include the details of the buyer and the details of the order.

In regards to canceling a remote sales transaction with coca interactive. By the end user, the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law 1981 (‘Consumer Protection Law’) will also apply.

In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection (Cancellation of Transaction) Regulations, 2010, within 14 days of purchasing a course, you may cancel the purchase of a website or promotion and branding service, by written notice up to fourteen (14) business days before the start of work.

In such a case, in accordance with the regulations, a refund will be given at the rate of the transaction amount, minus a registration cancellation fee at the rate of five (5) percent of the price paid for the product, or one hundred (400) NIS, whichever is lower.

For cancellation made up to seven (7) days before the start of the course, a refund will be given at the rate of the transaction amount, minus a cancellation fee of NIS 200.

For a cancellation made between seven (7) days and two (2) business days before the start of the course, the user will be entitled to a refund at the rate of the transaction amount, minus a cancellation fee of NIS 300.

For cancellation made after that, no refund will be received. A credit will be given to purchase another course, from the variety of existing courses, up to one year from the date of cancellation of the original purchase.

Content of surfers on the website and online communities

The organization may, but does not have to, allow you to contribute and publish your own information and content within some sections of the website, such as an online mechanism for displaying surfers’ responses or as part of your activity from any of the organization’s online communities. Such contents will be published in areas designated for this – either by themselves, in areas designated for user content on the website, or together with contents on behalf of the organization. Delivering or uploading content for publication as mentioned does not give you the right to demand that the content be published or continue to be published.

The organization encourages freedom of expression and the existence of fruitful and fruitful discussion on the site and its online communities, with the active participation of you and the other users. At the same time, in order to enable the existence of a cultural and factual discourse and to prevent abuse of the possibilities open to you to express yourself, the organization may check these contents before publishing them, but it is not obliged to do so. Such tests may be done by the organization in a sample manner, solely to try to prevent the publication of contents that are illegal, offensive on their face, or that do not fit the spirit of the site and the relevant community, and without the need to exercise legal discretion.

When uploading and publishing content, you bear the full and exclusive responsibility for any result that will result from the publication, or uploading as mentioned. You must ensure that such content is legal. Among other things and for the sake of example only, you are prohibited from publishing the following content within the website and online communities, or uploading to them –

The organization may refuse to publish, or delete immediately, any content that you submitted for publication, at its sole discretion, including whenever it finds that you have violated the terms of the binding documents or that you have committed an act or omission that harms or may harm the services provided on the site, its users, the union or anyone on its behalf, including in his online communities. In this case, the organization will also be entitled to prevent you from posting and uploading additional content. The provisions of this section add to the organization’s rights according to any law.

The organization decided to publish or use the content you provided – it may edit any such content, at its absolute discretion, including shortening it, adding appropriate titles, etc. The organization is not obligated to indicate your name as the source of the content you provided, but it may do so at its discretion.

Except where otherwise notified, the contents you submit for publication will be exposed to all Internet users (or members of the relevant online community) and may also be displayed as part of other activities of the organization. Act sensibly and carefully in providing personal details (such as an address or phone number) as well as in the responses and inquiries you receive as a result of using the site or publishing any of your details. Remember – you must behave in the delivery of the contents and addresses to you at least with the same degree of caution that you take in establishing contact that is not done via the Internet.

The organization encourages you to be careful and critical of the content posted on the Internet, including the content posted by other users. Content provided by users is not published on behalf of the organization and therefore it is not responsible for their reliability, trustworthiness, accuracy or completeness and is not responsible for any result caused by their use or reliance on them.


You may find on the site links to various pages and content on the net. Most of the contents to which the links will refer are not published by the organization, or on its behalf, and the organization does not control or supervise them. The fact that the site links to these contents does not indicate the organization’s agreement to their contents and does not constitute a guarantee for their reliability, their up-to-dateness, their legality, the practices of the owners of the contents in the field of privacy and any other aspect involved in their operation. You may find that this content does not suit your needs, or you object to its content, or believe that it is offensive, irritating, inappropriate, illegal or immoral. The organization is not responsible for the contents to which the links lead and is not responsible for any result caused by their use or reliance on them. The organization does not guarantee that the links you will find on the site will be correct and will lead you to an active web page, and it may remove from the site links that were included in the past, or refrain from adding new links – everything, at its absolute discretion.


The organization respects your privacy when using the website or any of the online communities. The site’s privacy policy is an integral part of the binding documents. Since the privacy policy may change from time to time, it is recommended that you come back and review it from time to time.

Content of a commercial nature

The organization may place on the site, at its sole discretion, contents of a commercial or advertising nature (such as in the framework of a “showcase window” for e-commerce sites), including contents originating from supporters and sponsors. The organization will not bear any responsibility for content of a commercial nature that will be published within the site on behalf of third parties. The organization does not write, check, verify or edit the content of these publications or their veracity. The sole responsibility for the commercial contents and for any result resulting from their use or reliance on them applies to the advertisers. Publishing content of a commercial nature within the site does not constitute a recommendation or encouragement to purchase the services, assets or products that may be offered for sale therein. Any transaction made as a result of commercial content published on the site will be concluded directly between you and the advertiser concerned. The organization is not a party to any such transaction and will not be held responsible for the services and goods offered in the commercial content on the site or purchased through it.

Intellectual Property

All copyrights and intellectual property on the website, in the services provided on it and in all the content included in it (with the exception of content submitted for publication by you and by the other users of the website) belong to the organization only, or to other third parties, who have allowed the union to use them. Do not copy, distribute, publicly perform, transmit, make available to the public, modify, process, create derivative works, sell or rent any part of the above, either by you or through or in collaboration with a third party, in any way or means, whether electronic , computerized, mechanical, optical, photographic or recording means, or in any other way, without obtaining prior written consent from the organization or the other rights holders, as the case may be and subject to the terms of the consent (as many as may be given).

Without detracting from the generality of the above, the organization may and may grant licenses to use various contents published on the website under a Creative Commons type license, or any other usage license. Where the organization purchases a use license as mentioned, this will be noted next to the relevant content, including information about the limitations and conditions of the license.

Trademarks and advertisements of advertisers on the site (if any, including supporters and sponsors) are the property of these advertisers only. They may not be used without the prior written consent of the advertiser.

The organization does not claim ownership of the content you upload and submit for publication within the site, or through it, or through any of the online communities. At the same time, when you submit contents for publication as mentioned above, you confirm by actually submitting them for publication that you own the full rights in them and that you are entitled to submit them for publication. If you are not the creator or the owner of the rights in the content that you submit for publication, you confirm that you have legal permission from the owner of the rights, which allows you to submit the content for publication and give them usage rights to the union as detailed in these terms. The organization will not be held responsible for any damage caused as a result of violation of the rights of the owners of the rights in the content. You bear full and exclusive responsibility for any link, presentation or publication of content made by you and undertake to indemnify the organization for any damage caused as a result.

By submitting the content for publication, you grant the association a free, worldwide and time-limited license to copy, reproduce, distribute, market, make available to the public, transmit, process, edit, translate and use said content in any additional way, at its discretion, on the website and in any of its derivatives , in any media and/or in any other framework, whether electronic or printed. This license is given to the association without any consideration, including mention (‘credit’), royalties or other favors.

The organization respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been used in a way that infringes any of your rights, you are invited and requested to inform the organization immediately in writing. Measures that will be taken by the organization, to the extent that they are taken, relying on information that will be handed over to it, will not constitute proof of a violation of any right.


Wherever the responsibility of the organization is detailed in the binding documents, or the absence of said responsibility, the responsibility of its employees, managers and workers by its authority or on its behalf will also be meant.

The use of the website, the online communities, and any content or service therein shall be done at your sole and full responsibility and the organization shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to you or to anyone on your behalf or to any other third party, including any loss, loss or expense, related to, or arising from, directly or indirectly with the website and any content and services included therein.

The contents and services can be used as they are (AS IS). It is not possible to adapt them to the needs of each and every person. You will not have any claim, claim or demand against the organization regarding the features of the content, the services, the online communities and the website, their capabilities, their limitations, the rules that apply to them and their suitability to you and your needs.

The organization does not guarantee that the content you publish within the website or the online communities, or through them, will be responsive, even if the organization will allow you to publish such content. The organization cannot know what responses (if any) you will receive as a result of the publication and who will respond to the content you publish, therefore it will not bear any responsibility towards you (or anyone on your behalf) for these responses, the identity of those contacting you or any result that will result from the publication. The organization will not be responsible for any use made by a third party of the contents published by you.

Any decision you make regarding the content published on the website and online communities, or their use, is your sole responsibility. The organization does not guarantee that the contents and services of third parties, including those of content and service providers and of users, published on the website, to the extent that they are published, will be complete, correct, legal or accurate, or will meet your expectations and requirements. The organization will not bear any responsibility for any result resulting from them, or from using them, or from relying on them. Use of the website or any of the online communities is at your own risk.

The organization does not guarantee that the website’s services and contents, or any of the online communities, will not be interrupted, will be provided in order or without interruptions, will exist safely and without errors, and will be immune from unauthorized access to the organization’s computers and databases, or from damages, breakdowns, malfunctions or failures – and all, strictly speaking , in software, communication lines and systems, at the organization or at one of its suppliers.


You undertake to indemnify the organization, its employees, managers or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss-of-profit, payment or expense incurred by it – including attorney’s fees and court costs – due to a violation of these terms of use or any of the binding documents. In addition, you will indemnify the organization, its employees, managers or anyone on its behalf for any claim, claim or demand brought against them by any third party as a result of content you submitted for publication, as a result of links you made, or any use you made of the website or any of the online communities.

Changes and cessation of activity

The organization may change from time to time the structure of the website, its appearance and design, the scope and availability of the services therein and will be entitled to change any other aspect involved in the website – and all, without having to notify you in advance. In this rule, the organization will be entitled to add, update or cancel which of the online communities. Such changes will be made, among other things, taking into account the dynamic nature of the Internet and the technological and other changes occurring in it. By their nature, changes of this type may involve malfunctions or initially cause discomfort, etc. You will not have any claim, claim or demand against the organization for making such changes or malfunctions that will occur during their implementation.

Without detracting from the above, the organization will be entitled to stop providing the services on the website, all or some of them, at any time. If possible, the organization will publish a preliminary notice on the website about the termination of the services a reasonable time in advance. Upon termination of services, the organization will retain the content and information contained in the website for an additional reasonable period of time, after which it will be entitled to delete it without keeping any backup of it and without giving any further notice of this.

Change in the binding documents

The organization may periodically change the terms of use or any of the binding documents. If these terms of use or documents that require substantial changes are made, a notice will be published on the website’s home page 30 days before the changes take effect. If other non-material changes are made to these terms of use or to the binding documents, a notice will be published on the website’s home page 7 days before they come into effect – unless changes are made to the terms or binding documents in accordance with the provisions of any law, or the requirement of a competent authority, in which case the changes will enter Effective in accordance with the provisions of the law or the aforementioned requirement. Continued use of the website after the change in terms indicates your agreement to the new terms and/or the relevant binding document. If you do not agree with the updated version of the relevant binding document, you must stop using the website any further.

You can review the current terms at any time by clicking on the appropriate link on the website.

Law and Jurisdiction

The use of the website or participation in any of the online communities will be exclusively governed by the laws of the State of Israel. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for anything and everything arising from the binding documents is granted exclusively to the competent courts in the Central District, Israel.


You may not transfer or assign rights under the binding agreements without obtaining the organization’s prior written consent. The organization may transfer its rights in the website or any part of it to any third party, at its absolute discretion, provided that the third party accepts the organization’s obligations towards you according to the binding documents.

contact us

The organization adheres to the provisions of the law and respects the rights of website users and online communities. If you believe that content has been published on the site or in any of the communities that offends you for any reason, or violates your rights, please contact us according to the details below and we will try to handle your request as soon as possible

Last updated: 08.06.2021